How Can Opti Brain’s Brain Maps and Interpretations Help Me?

Outdated Tutorials   Electroencephalograms (EEGs) can seem far above the realm of understanding. Well Opti Brain is the first analysis software of its kind to not only record and map EEGs but to also commercialize and simplify interpreting them. There are three simplified maps and interpretations that Opti Brain offers to each user. 1. Total Brain Activity: This map is displayed in a color gradient growing from blue to green to red. It is a visual representation of what you brain activity looked like during your collection. Red represent lots of brain activity meaning the electrical synapses in your brain are actively firing. Blue means there is less to no activity and green is the median. The interpretation that appears under the map as you scroll down is a great general interpretation of your brain…
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Opti Brain Still Collection

Outdated Tutorials Opti Brain uses the Muse brain sensing headband to record your brain activity. This is known as an electroencephalogram (EEG). Generally, while collecting EEGs, it is recommended to sit still and quiet. An EEG can record more accurate information as well as easily quantify your resting measure. A resting measure is what your brain looks like when you are sitting still and quiet not performing any body movements or quantitative thinking. Resting measures are useful...   Still Collection Steps   Still Brain Mapping Steps  
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Opti Brain In Motion Collection

Outdated Tutorials Opti Brain uses the Muse brain sensing headband to record you brain activity. It can be beneficially to record your brain activity while you are performing a specific motion or sequence of motions. In your performance optimization specifically it is beneficial to record your usual movement routine immediately before the peak of your performance. For example, if sports is your performance outlet, record your brain activity during the routine leading up to: putting a golf ball, throwing a free throw, shooting an arrow, hitting a baseball, etc. In Motion Collection Steps
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Opti Brain Mobile App Introduction and Set Up

Outdated Tutorials Opti Brain is a mobile app (currently available on iOS devices) produced by Opti Brain to help you collect, look at and interpret your brain activity. It connect wirelessly with the Muse brain sensing headband produced by Interaxon to connect with your brain. The Muse headband records your brain activity and sends it to your Opti Brain app during 2 to 60 second time intervals. You can then map and interpret any brain data collection you record using Opti Brain. Opti Brain/Muse Headband Setup    
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