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Additional News, Tips and Research:

Opti Featured on ESPN!
An amazing golfer, Brian, suffered from PTSD after serving in Special Ops in Iraq. His story of golf and his journey to the MSOP (Major Series of Putting) Championship in Las Vegas is impressive. Brian practiced training his brain to...

Supporting Research
Built From Performance Backwards Opti is based on over 30 years of research done by Debbie Crews, Ph.D. during her mental coaching career as an LPGA golf trainer. Brain activity was monitored with an electroencephalogram (EEG) during...

Coaches Corner
Kathy Murphy – 2.20.2018 An article about the recent Women’s French Open winner caught my attention… The headline was “A fearless risk-taker captures her first WTA Tour title at a Grand Slam.”. This player...

Opti Gets Visibility in Golf Digest!
Bob Carney goes over how meeting Dr. Debbie Crews and working with horses revived his Golf game! Click here to read Courses With Horses: an animal whisperer helped my mental game from Golf Digest’s 2017 Miracle Issue!...

Coaches Corner
Opti Coach Kathy Murphy, LPGA Master Professional 7.11.2017 My turn to tell a story about how the Opti Train App is assisting my students. Charlie Charlie is a 25 handicapper who has played golf for about 15 years. He plays...

Coaches Corner
Kathy Murphy 5.11.2017 The following quotes are from Dr. Joe Dispenza, renowned for his expertise in teaching neuroscience and human potential. These statements were written in the forward to the book, The Science of Golf and Life...

Coaches Corner
By Judi Adams -2x Olympian, Performance Coach 4/20/17 In his book, A New Earth, Ekhart Tolle writes: “Do I want the present moment to be my friend or my enemy? The present moment is inseparable from life, so you are really...

Coaches Corner
Kathy Murphy April 6, 2017 I am reading a fascinating book by Tom Friedman, Thank You for Being Late: An Optimists Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations. He provides numerous examples from Technology, Mother Nature and The...

Coaches Corner
Kathy Murphy, LPGA Master Professional March 27, 2017 Opti is a performance optimization tool based on EEG activity in 4 quadrants of the brain – left frontal, right frontal and left temporal and right temporal. Opti is for individuals...

Coaches Corner
Kathy Murphy, LPGA Master Professional March 21, 2016 Opti is a performance optimization tool based on EEG activity in 4 quadrants of the brain – left frontal, right frontal and left temporal and right temporal. Opti is designed for an...

Enhancing Practice with OPTI Brain
Enhancing Practice with OPTI Brain Written by Judi Adams – 2x Olympic Archer, Coach, Author, and Avid Opti User When I was competing, I remember how hard it was at times to transition from work or school to sports practice. With...

Opti with Mike Malaska
Opti With Mike Malaska Some fun points Debbie Crews reviews with Mike Malaska about how to use Opti Train! 1. Your goal is to make the music feedback low. 2. Your brain is running the music! 3. Your performance ready mind doesn’t...

Opti Train: Two Ways to Train
Two Ways to Train There are two primary ways to train. The first way simply includes sitting still while watching visual feedback on the screen of your device. This method is similar to meditation. However, Opti Train is training...