The Opti Index tells the percentage of Balance (Train), Calm or Confidence you achieved during your recording or training. You can track your progress with Opti Index. When your Opti Index climbs towards 100% you are reaching an optimized brain pattern. When your index decreases you are moving further from performing at your best.
The Opti Index is not simply a grade. It is a percentage of how close you actually are to a certain brain pattern.
Opti Train
The Opti Train brain pattern is that all your levels of thought are producing a matching activation. It is impossible for your levels of thought to perfectly match up so it is impossible to get a 100% Opti Index Score. High Opti Index Score are in the low 80%s.
Opti Calm
The Opti Calm brain pattern is low brain activity in all levels of thought. A 100% Opti Index represent zero brain activity in all levels of thought. Again this is impossible to achieve since your brain is always thinking. High Opti Index Score are in the low 80%s.
Opti Confidence
The Opti Confidence Index is a combination of Opti Train and Opti Calm so similarly high Opti Index levels are in the low 80%s.
Learn more about the differences in Opti Train, Calm and Confidence brain patterns here!
Opti Index Calculations

The Opti Index is calculated by using 1 second of data (called an epoch). During a training, your Opti Index value is changing every half second. The value flashing on the screen represents the percentage calculated from the previous epoch of brain data. This means there is a 1 second of lag in calculating your Opti Index.
The stars at the top of the screen give you a simple feedback measure of your status compared to your Opti Index Goal. One star means you are below your goal, two stars meeting your goal, and three stars well above your goal.
You Opti Index is calculated at all electrode locations on the headset being used. On a Muse Headset there are two electrodes on the forehead and one electrode behind each ear. The Opti Index Score is then calculated by averaging the four percentages from each electrode together.
Final Opti Index Score
At the very end of your training you are shown a summary chart.

The black line represents the stream of Opti Index score calculated during the training.
The dotted black line and the center icon to the right is your Opti Index Goal.
The dotted green line and the top icon to the right is your final average Opti Index Score. This score is an average of the percentages from all the epochs during your training (epochs containing artifact are thrown out and not included in the final score).
The stars at the top of the screen give you an idea of how well you did. One star means you were below your goal, two stars meeting your goal, and three stars well above your goal.